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Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Printable Version

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RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Flarezerker - 11-21-2015

(11-21-2015, 08:24 PM)Marxon Wrote: t takes a lot out of me when someone finds a weak point in me, then gives it a dozen stabs. Its emotionally draining.

I'll go disappear for a while.

You made your point. You dont like puns. Okay. We get it.

Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Marxon - 11-21-2015

Surprisingly, hurling a large Walmart shopping cart 20 feet through the air in a fit of rage is effective at dealing with said rage.

I still think I need to buy a punching bag, or something to repeatedly brutalize that isn't living.

Feels good to focus your anger into something constructive like manual labor and drain every last bit of it.


RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - OdinYggd - 11-21-2015

(11-21-2015, 07:34 PM)Marxon Wrote:
(11-21-2015, 07:33 PM)SCN-3_NULL Wrote: welp, Ive just done the most evil thing ever in fallout 4
I would like to make a motion that spoilers are replaced by links to pastebin as they currently don't work.

They're working fine for me.

Silly phones and their breaking stuff.

Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Marxon - 11-21-2015

Now all there's left to do is find somewhere secluded that I can scream at the top of my lungs until I go hoarse.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Battle Bee - 11-21-2015


Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Marxon - 11-21-2015

I think we should work on putting a stop between the animosity between the forum and skype based halves of the nexus.

I simply don't care who started it or how bad one treats the other, I just want to make us whole. I'm willing to do my part to bury the hatchet and forgive any past actions from either side from before today.

I would also like to see people be able to freely float between either conversation medium without ridicule, berating, or exclusion.

Anyone with me?

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Surge - 11-21-2015

(11-21-2015, 11:03 PM)Marxon Wrote: I think we should work on putting a stop between the animosity between the forum and skype based halves of the nexus.

I simply don't care who started it or how bad one treats the other, I just want to make us whole. I'm willing to do my part to bury the hatchet and forgive any past actions from either side from before today.

I would also like to see people be able to freely float between either conversation medium without ridicule, berating, or exclusion.

Anyone with me?
Grudges don't die quietly or easily. By most indicators it's unlikely at best and I don't think anything but more strife will come from trying to make both groups reunite.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Marxon - 11-21-2015

(11-21-2015, 11:06 PM)Surge Wrote:
(11-21-2015, 11:03 PM)Marxon Wrote: I think we should work on putting a stop between the animosity between the forum and skype based halves of the nexus.

I simply don't care who started it or how bad one treats the other, I just want to make us whole. I'm willing to do my part to bury the hatchet and forgive any past actions from either side from before today.

I would also like to see people be able to freely float between either conversation medium without ridicule, berating, or exclusion.

Anyone with me?
Grudges don't die quietly or easily. By most indicators it's unlikely at best and I don't think anything but more strife will come from trying to make both groups reunite.
That's the exact opposite attitude I was hoping for Surge.

A few bad apples need not ruin the whole harvest.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Surge - 11-21-2015

(11-21-2015, 11:07 PM)Marxon Wrote:
(11-21-2015, 11:06 PM)Surge Wrote: Grudges don't die quietly or easily. By most indicators it's unlikely at best and I don't think anything but more strife will come from trying to make both groups reunite.
That's the exact opposite attitude I was hoping for Surge.

A few bad apples need not ruin the whole harvest.
Say what you will about my crazy opinions but this whole mess has been non-stop and depressing deja vu for me.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Marxon - 11-21-2015

(11-21-2015, 11:12 PM)Surge Wrote:
(11-21-2015, 11:07 PM)Marxon Wrote: That's the exact opposite attitude I was hoping for Surge.

A few bad apples need not ruin the whole harvest.
Say what you will about my crazy opinions but this whole mess has been non-stop and depressing deja vu for me.
Well let's do something about it!

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Surge - 11-21-2015

(11-21-2015, 11:13 PM)Marxon Wrote:
(11-21-2015, 11:12 PM)Surge Wrote: Say what you will about my crazy opinions but this whole mess has been non-stop and depressing deja vu for me.
Well let's do something about it!
Because this has not yet deviated from what experience has taught me to expect I have good reason to think any "second chances" will invariably be fouled by somebody who just fails to let go of their grudges

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Flarezerker - 11-21-2015

(11-21-2015, 11:13 PM)Marxon Wrote:
(11-21-2015, 11:12 PM)Surge Wrote: Say what you will about my crazy opinions but this whole mess has been non-stop and depressing deja vu for me.
Well let's do something about it!

Marx, I'm gonna be brutally honest here. From what I've seen, you have genuinely good intentions, and I'm all for that. But not only do very few other people want to have the two halves whole again, but if what your all saying about the enmity and animosity and negativity and whatever there is between the two communities, it would cause you a whole lot more issues than it would fix. You flipped your shit over a few snow puns. If you think that puns are terrible, then try putting a dog and a cat, both with rabies, in a bag and see what happens. Thats the Nexus and Skype group. There would be a whole lot more than just bad puns there.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Segolia - 11-21-2015

Think of the nexus forums and skype groups as two entirely separate communities which are only incidentally related by sharing some members.

Given that is the case, why are you trying to 'reunite' them at all - what is there to reunite? Many of the people there have moved on (or in fact were never involved here in the first place), and have no intention of being involved with this place whatsoever, why are you trying to force it?

I would also like to point out that all the people talking about the Skype group have never been involved with the skype group, so a lot of what is being said about it is completely baseless speculation.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Surge - 11-21-2015

*quietly doing his "I told you so" victory dance*

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - OdinYggd - 11-21-2015

Not helpful Surge.

The good news though is that Nexus will outlast the skype group- because after a while Skype groups themselves become divided and turn to infighting.

Though this happens on forums too, it happens at a much slower rate because the interactions aren't quite so fast paced. There is more time for people to step back and think through what they are saying before posting it.

Now we all get on Marxon's case a bit more than we should, but a lot of that is people genuinely wanting to help him or just being tired of the constant gloom and doom.

People come to places like this to have fun. It needs to stay laid back and fun if we want people to stick around.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Surge - 11-22-2015

To be fair I wanted to say/do a few dozen other things that would have been substantially more unhelpful.

Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Marxon - 11-22-2015

I love how nobody has faith in my idea and everyone is so quick to shoot me down.

I'm actually in a good mood and people are trying to demoralize me.


RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Surge - 11-22-2015

(11-22-2015, 12:26 AM)Marxon Wrote: I love how nobody has faith in my idea and everyone is so quick to shoot me down.

I'm actually in a good mood and people are trying to demoralize me.

I've seen your idea there before, it didn't work then and I find it difficult to believe it will work now.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - Marxon - 11-22-2015

(11-22-2015, 12:28 AM)Surge Wrote:
(11-22-2015, 12:26 AM)Marxon Wrote: I love how nobody has faith in my idea and everyone is so quick to shoot me down.

I'm actually in a good mood and people are trying to demoralize me.

I've seen your idea there before, it didn't work then and I find it difficult to believe it will work now.
Coming from one of the biggest pessimists and cynics here.

No offense.

RE: Avali Nexus Forum Thread 3: A crowd. - UnamusedAvali - 11-22-2015

Good morn- What the fuck happened?