Avali Nexus

Full Version: Nexus RP: Rebirth
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(08-06-2016, 12:02 PM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-06-2016, 06:50 AM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]*the drone finally decides to communicate, which consists of a loud klaxon, some indicator lights turning green, and a male prerecorded VO system*
Alert, all armament interlocks are now disengaged. Detecting twelve new peripherals, firmware update required. Rebooting systems with tactical overlay and installing updates...

*the machine blacks out for a few moments and slumps over. A small debug screen displays the windows 98 spinning hourglass*
"Huh, This thing is ancient. Probably providing a firing solution to the mech. Well, the show must go on."
*the Avali jums over the cover, and walks up to the downed drone*

*the mech suddenly comes to life again, the pitch of the voice going much much deeper now*
Firmware update complete, tactical overlay online, all weapon systems, onliiii-ine.
*and slowly turns to the Avali*
Hostile detected...
*walks in place to fully face and raises the right arm with a repeating 80mm cannon*
Weapons free!
//Csn I possibly jump in? Where is this taking place?
(08-06-2016, 07:56 PM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]//Csn I possibly jump in? Where is this taking place?

//amidst the small forested area on the edge of town.
(08-06-2016, 04:32 PM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-06-2016, 12:02 PM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]"Huh, This thing is ancient. Probably providing a firing solution to the mech. Well, the show must go on."
*the Avali jums over the cover, and walks up to the downed drone*

*the mech suddenly comes to life again, the pitch of the voice going much much deeper now*
Firmware update complete, tactical overlay online, all weapon systems, onliiii-ine.
*and slowly turns to the Avali*
Hostile detected...
*walks in place to fully face and raises the right arm with a repeating 80mm cannon*
Weapons free!
"Not today! Or any other one for that matter!"
*the Avali dives for Cover and pulls a plasma Gernade from its satchel*
"Bloody robots. One moment your friend, The other, it tires to kill you"
*the bount hunter pulls the pin On the gernade*
(08-06-2016, 09:14 PM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-06-2016, 04:32 PM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]*the mech suddenly comes to life again, the pitch of the voice going much much deeper now*
Firmware update complete, tactical overlay online, all weapon systems, onliiii-ine.
*and slowly turns to the Avali*
Hostile detected...
*walks in place to fully face and raises the right arm with a repeating 80mm cannon*
Weapons free!
"Not today! Or any other one for that matter!"
*the Avali dives for Cover and pulls a plasma Gernade from its satchel*
"Bloody robots. One moment your friend, The other, it tires to kill you"
*the bount hunter pulls the pin On the gernade*
*the mech fires the weapon, heavy slugs capable of splitting trees twice a second. The aim is laughably bad though and it's not long before it speaks again*
W-W-Warning, reactor core exceeding safe operati- reactor core overheating
*the mech stops in its tracks and lowers it's weapon, the foliage around it starts to wither as it heats up. It attempts to pump coolant but the hose for it flails around in the back*
Alert *the voice takes a deep and dire tone* internal temperature approaching dangerous levels. Reactor approaching criticality threshold, meltdown estimated in 60 seconds
*the hydraulic system for the right arm blows as all the fluid fires out as steam, the mech limps forward with a few lines in the legs bursting too. The white paint starts to peel off and boil as the machine struggles to approach the nearest source of water. Things are going wrong and doing so fast*
(08-07-2016, 03:57 AM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-06-2016, 09:14 PM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]"Not today! Or any other one for that matter!"
*the Avali dives for Cover and pulls a plasma Gernade from its satchel*
"Bloody robots. One moment your friend, The other, it tires to kill you"
*the bount hunter pulls the pin On the gernade*
*the mech fires the weapon, heavy slugs capable of splitting trees twice a second. The aim is laughably bad though and it's not long before it speaks again*
W-W-Warning, reactor core exceeding safe operati- reactor core overheating
*the mech stops in its tracks and lowers it's weapon, the foliage around it starts to wither as it heats up. It attempts to pump coolant but the hose for it flails around in the back*
Alert *the voice takes a deep and dire tone* internal temperature approaching dangerous levels. Reactor approaching criticality threshold, meltdown estimated in 60 seconds
*the hydraulic system for the right arm blows as all the fluid fires out as steam, the mech limps forward with a few lines in the legs bursting too. The white paint starts to peel off and boil as the machine struggles to approach the nearest source of water. Things are going wrong and doing so fast*
*the Avali lobs the gernade towards the mechs feet, and dashes off in the opposite direction*
"And now its the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Wonderful."
(08-07-2016, 11:08 AM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-07-2016, 03:57 AM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]*the mech fires the weapon, heavy slugs capable of splitting trees twice a second. The aim is laughably bad though and it's not long before it speaks again*
W-W-Warning, reactor core exceeding safe operati- reactor core overheating
*the mech stops in its tracks and lowers it's weapon, the foliage around it starts to wither as it heats up. It attempts to pump coolant but the hose for it flails around in the back*
Alert *the voice takes a deep and dire tone* internal temperature approaching dangerous levels. Reactor approaching criticality threshold, meltdown estimated in 60 seconds
*the hydraulic system for the right arm blows as all the fluid fires out as steam, the mech limps forward with a few lines in the legs bursting too. The white paint starts to peel off and boil as the machine struggles to approach the nearest source of water. Things are going wrong and doing so fast*
*the Avali lobs the gernade towards the mechs feet, and dashes off in the opposite direction*
"And now its the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Wonderful."

Something white whooshes past the Avali as a blur, heading right for the mech. 

I am not having a nuclear firestorm today, the Jakkai, Gregor Ironback, thinks to himself as he rushes forward and leaps onto the chassis of the burning machine. The intense heat starts to sear his fur, but he appears undaunted as he reaches for the wildly flailing coolant tube.

After several attempts, he finally manages to grab it and insert it where it was supposed to go. "Phew... wait, what did that guy throw?" He quickly looks down at the mech's feet, and too late he sees the grenade. "...Oh."
(08-07-2016, 04:57 PM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-07-2016, 11:08 AM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]*the Avali lobs the gernade towards the mechs feet, and dashes off in the opposite direction*
"And now its the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Wonderful."

Something white whooshes past the Avali as a blur, heading right for the mech. 

I am not having a nuclear firestorm today, the Jakkai, Gregor Ironback, thinks to himself as he rushes forward and leaps onto the chassis of the burning machine. The intense heat starts to sear his fur, but he appears undaunted as he reaches for the wildly flailing coolant tube.

After several attempts, he finally manages to grab it and insert it where it was supposed to go. "Phew... wait, what did that guy throw?" He quickly looks down at the mech's feet, and too late he sees the grenade. "...Oh."
*he's much too late as the coolant has run out and the reactor has already breached containment and is slowly melting through the mech*

P-please sttttttttaaand back... Meltdown imminent... Localized- rad... 13 gray...

*the mech is hot enough to melt skin, but heat is better than exploding*
(08-07-2016, 04:57 PM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-07-2016, 11:08 AM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]*the Avali lobs the gernade towards the mechs feet, and dashes off in the opposite direction*
"And now its the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Wonderful."

Something white whooshes past the Avali as a blur, heading right for the mech. 

I am not having a nuclear firestorm today, the Jakkai, Gregor Ironback, thinks to himself as he rushes forward and leaps onto the chassis of the burning machine. The intense heat starts to sear his fur, but he appears undaunted as he reaches for the wildly flailing coolant tube.

After several attempts, he finally manages to grab it and insert it where it was supposed to go. "Phew... wait, what did that guy throw?" He quickly looks down at the mech's feet, and too late he sees the grenade. "...Oh."

"Look out! There's a gerna-"
*the gernde explodes into a miniature plasma storm And quickly dissipates, scorching the greenery*
"I knew that guy was trying to scam me. Weapon dealers these days."
*the hunter rushes over to copperback to view the damage"
(08-07-2016, 11:08 AM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-07-2016, 03:57 AM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]*the mech fires the weapon, heavy slugs capable of splitting trees twice a second. The aim is laughably bad though and it's not long before it speaks again*
W-W-Warning, reactor core exceeding safe operati- reactor core overheating
*the mech stops in its tracks and lowers it's weapon, the foliage around it starts to wither as it heats up. It attempts to pump coolant but the hose for it flails around in the back*
Alert *the voice takes a deep and dire tone* internal temperature approaching dangerous levels. Reactor approaching criticality threshold, meltdown estimated in 60 seconds
*the hydraulic system for the right arm blows as all the fluid fires out as steam, the mech limps forward with a few lines in the legs bursting too. The white paint starts to peel off and boil as the machine struggles to approach the nearest source of water. Things are going wrong and doing so fast*
*the Avali lobs the gernade towards the mechs feet, and dashes off in the opposite direction*
"And now its the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Wonderful."
// please, my sides, they hurt.

*the mech spits out a few last words*
engage protocol oscar mike echo golf alpha

*the chassis of the mech ruptures along a faultline with a bang and a fizzle, filling the air with a billowing cloud of steam and causing a dull blue glowing fog as it falls face down, the core melting it's way deep into the ground. Anyone even within 10 feet can feel a sudden flash of penetrating heat blow through them, whether it's actual heat or a psychosomatic reaction caused by realizing the terrifying consequences of being in the red zone of a meltdown*
// for your information, trying to make a reactor meltdown with explosive criticality is like trying to make a whale fly through the air, because the actual explosion is from steam
(08-07-2016, 11:12 PM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]// please, my sides, they hurt.

*the mech spits out a few last words*
engage protocol oscar mike echo golf alpha

*the chassis of the mech ruptures along a faultline with a bang and a fizzle, filling the air with a billowing cloud of steam and causing a dull blue glowing fog as it falls face down, the core melting it's way deep into the ground. Anyone even within 10 feet can feel a sudden flash of penetrating heat blow through them, whether it's actual heat or a psychosomatic reaction caused by realizing the terrifying consequences of being in the red zone of a meltdown*
// for your information, trying to make a reactor meltdown with explosive criticality is like trying to make a whale fly through the air, because the actual explosion is from steam

Gregor is blown from the mech by the jet of scalding radioactive steam, and lands limply several yards away. His automated Guard distress beacon alerts the station of his critical condition.
(08-08-2016, 12:53 AM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-07-2016, 11:12 PM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]// please, my sides, they hurt.

*the mech spits out a few last words*
engage protocol oscar mike echo golf alpha

*the chassis of the mech ruptures along a faultline with a bang and a fizzle, filling the air with a billowing cloud of steam and causing a dull blue glowing fog as it falls face down, the core melting it's way deep into the ground. Anyone even within 10 feet can feel a sudden flash of penetrating heat blow through them, whether it's actual heat or a psychosomatic reaction caused by realizing the terrifying consequences of being in the red zone of a meltdown*
// for your information, trying to make a reactor meltdown with explosive criticality is like trying to make a whale fly through the air, because the actual explosion is from steam

Gregor is blown from the mech by the jet of scalding radioactive steam, and lands limply several yards away. His automated Guard distress beacon alerts the station of his critical condition.
*the signal wouldn't get far as some sort of jammer is active. A sharp mechanical hand appears out of a small stormy cloud grabs Gregor by the arm and starts dragging him off, and he too disappears as he's enveloped by a miniature grey stormcloud as well*
(08-08-2016, 12:53 AM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-07-2016, 11:12 PM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]// please, my sides, they hurt.

*the mech spits out a few last words*
engage protocol oscar mike echo golf alpha

*the chassis of the mech ruptures along a faultline with a bang and a fizzle, filling the air with a billowing cloud of steam and causing a dull blue glowing fog as it falls face down, the core melting it's way deep into the ground. Anyone even within 10 feet can feel a sudden flash of penetrating heat blow through them, whether it's actual heat or a psychosomatic reaction caused by realizing the terrifying consequences of being in the red zone of a meltdown*
// for your information, trying to make a reactor meltdown with explosive criticality is like trying to make a whale fly through the air, because the actual explosion is from steam

Gregor is blown from the mech by the jet of scalding radioactive steam, and lands limply several yards away. His automated Guard distress beacon alerts the station of his critical condition.

(08-08-2016, 01:05 AM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-08-2016, 12:53 AM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]Gregor is blown from the mech by the jet of scalding radioactive steam, and lands limply several yards away. His automated Guard distress beacon alerts the station of his critical condition.
*the signal wouldn't get far as some sort of jammer is active. A sharp mechanical hand appears out of a small stormy cloud grabs Gregor by the arm and starts dragging him off, and he too disappears as he's enveloped by a miniature grey stormcloud as well*
"This went from bad to worse real quickly. Is the risk of cancer worth it? Probably not... Screw it, I can't let the jakki die.
*The Avali straps on a crude re breather and plunges into the clouds, gun raised and poised to shoot.*
"I swear to god, if you don't release the jakki, I'll lob the faulty grenades around here  like there's no tomorrow, and burn this forest to the ground!"
(08-08-2016, 01:21 AM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-08-2016, 12:53 AM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]Gregor is blown from the mech by the jet of scalding radioactive steam, and lands limply several yards away. His automated Guard distress beacon alerts the station of his critical condition.

(08-08-2016, 01:05 AM)Rahizel Wrote: [ -> ]*the signal wouldn't get far as some sort of jammer is active. A sharp mechanical hand appears out of a small stormy cloud grabs Gregor by the arm and starts dragging him off, and he too disappears as he's enveloped by a miniature grey stormcloud as well*
"This went from bad to worse real quickly. Is the risk of cancer worth it? Probably not... Screw it, I can't let the jakki die.
*The Avali straps on a crude re breather and plunges into the clouds, gun raised and poised to shoot.*
"I swear to god, if you don't release the jakki, I'll lob the faulty grenades around here  like there's no tomorrow, and burn this forest to the ground!"
Your fuuuneraL.
*a deep growling but velvety voice speaks from behind*
Have fffun puking out your insides, nearest hospital is a loooong hike.
Gregor's hand twitches, then one of his paws, and he weakly coughs. He's alive... but only barely, and there's no telling how long it might last.

His synthetic skin and fur has melted from where the steam hit it, revealing the cybernetic frame beneath. Turns out he's almost completely a cyborg.
(08-08-2016, 01:44 AM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]Gregor's hand twitches, then one of his paws, and he weakly coughs. He's alive... but only barely, and there's no telling how long it might last.

His synthetic skin and fur has melted from where the steam hit it, revealing the cybernetic frame beneath. Turns out he's almost completely a cyborg.
Stripping you down for parts might be useful.
*Gregor can at least somewhat see the skinless, sturdy broad shouldered and freakishly tall mechanical Avali he's resting upon the shoulder of*
Unfortunately I'm sure you'd be missed, so using you for repairs are off the table.
*the machine looks like it ran through a gun fight, got thrown in a shredder, and bashed and beaten on for days, even the most durable materials available can wear out*
Might be worth regenerating organic tissue from any remaining samples after ripping out your metal, actuators like those are exceedingly difficult to find.

This might yet be a rather beneficial event for both.
(08-08-2016, 01:44 AM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]Gregor's hand twitches, then one of his paws, and he weakly coughs. He's alive... but only barely, and there's no telling how long it might last.

His synthetic skin and fur has melted from where the steam hit it, revealing the cybernetic frame beneath. Turns out he's almost completely a cyborg.
//he'll be back
(08-08-2016, 01:50 AM)Surge Wrote: [ -> ](WHAT A TWIST)

//*dramtic noise*
(we now have 2 robotic characters, and all the jakkai are cyborgs of some sort which has fun implications.)
(08-08-2016, 01:57 AM)achroma Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-08-2016, 01:44 AM)Comito Wrote: [ -> ]Gregor's hand twitches, then one of his paws, and he weakly coughs. He's alive... but only barely, and there's no telling how long it might last.

His synthetic skin and fur has melted from where the steam hit it, revealing the cybernetic frame beneath. Turns out he's almost completely a cyborg.
//he'll be back
(08-08-2016, 01:50 AM)Surge Wrote: [ -> ](WHAT A TWIST)

//*dramtic noise*
*comes up behind and nuzzles the avali*
*an exceptionally scruffy and soft looking gryphon sits at their feet, eye to eye with them*

(08-08-2016, 02:05 AM)Surge Wrote: [ -> ](we now have 2 robotic characters, and all the jakkai are cyborgs of some sort which has fun implications.)
// don't forget the annoying gryphon